Review Database

Our review database can be easily viewed by an app called Frontly. Click on the link below to access the database. The first time you look at this it might take a few minutes to load, but search anyway using the search buttons!

When you become a paid subscriber you will have access to this full database.

Please click here to open the database.

When you click on this app you need your individual or school login to see the reviews. Unless changed this will be the password provided to you upon signing up to our service. Our review database is available to members of all types. Membership passwords cannot be shared.

When you click on the link you will see a full listing of the reviews. The most recent ones will be displayed at the top. You can use the search function to see if a book is on our database. (By the way, we are happy to endeavour to review books you request if it isn't there yet!) Click on any book to find out more. You can open the boxes wider to view more detail.

Most of our categories are self-explanatory however here are some details:

Short Review: A quick review that covers the book
Long Review: An extensive review most likely containing spoilers and some content insight.
Content Insight: Any specific content information that affects different age groups, helps you to know what to expect in books.
Representations: Groups represented including all aspects of diversity.