In her debut novel, The Rebels of Mount Buffalo, Helen Edwards breathes life into a forgotten historical heroine, Guide Alice, delivering a compelling message of empowerment for young women.

What do you love about historical fiction? Did you ever expect to write one yourself?

I have always been fascinated by history and whenever I read a book or watch a movie or show and discover parts of the story are true, I end up going down trails, researching the people and places and events. I enjoy learning about our past and how it has impacted our present and how we might learn for our future. I particularly enjoy finding stories about women and girls that are not well known. I don't think I ever set out to write historical fiction. My first manuscripts after deciding to try and become a traditionally published author were contemporary and fantasy novels. I fell into writing The Rebels of Mount Buffalo after hearing about Alice and Mount Buffalo and falling in love with the stories.

You’ve mentioned on your website that your new book, Rebels on Mount Buffalo,  was inspired by the life of Alice Manfield, commonly known as Guide Alice. What about her inspired you to write this book? How did you come to know about her?