November Review Newsletter 2023

November 23 Reviews

Welcome to our first post and feature on new books!

Dear librarians, parents and colleagues,

Welcome to the first review newsletter for Novel Insight. We are delighted to show you what our reviews look like, how our system works and introduce you to fresh new releases from Australian and international authors. Our reviews include long reviews with spoilers, content insight (which is where you will find out about what’s in the book when it comes to violence, sex and other general content), language and representations. We hope you can use this information to find the books you want in your library (be it for your family or a school).  How to use it: for example if you want more books from diverse cultures, search our representations, if you want to limit the language in the book, check the language information, and if your readers don’t want any more fantasy, check the content or themes. The reviews are in a downloadable file at the bottom of this article. These reviews have been added to our database.